Thursday, September 19, 2019

Because of My Mother---Practically Perfect Miss Penny

Yesterday morning, I walked briskly up Alcatraz Ave in Berkeley California, frazzled from my late start and hour drive. As I neared the Shawl-Anderson Dance Studio, my frayed nerves turned to sweet and tender feelings. Yesterday was my mom's- Miss Penny's 78th birthday. When I think of my dancing mom, I think of that scene in White Christmas when Danny Kaye and his corps de ballet perform Choreography.  This scene comes to mind because my mom loves Danny Kaye! And while other dancers were involved in the more familiar and acceptable forms of dance, Miss Penny was "doing choreography" (modern dance). Because of my mother, I dance.

Miss Penny and her teen dancers

In a wonderfully warm and muggy studio, my morning continued. As I was executing my less-than grand battements, I reflected on how my life has been blessed by dancing- dancing that started with Miss Penny. When we were young, my mom taught in our basement. First as an additional income, followed by the needful income of a single mother. When my mother remarried, we finished the "studio" and she resumed teaching in the basement.  As my sisters and I grew, so did her students. A dance student of Miss Penny's "graduated" as soon as leaping was no longer an option in the low-ceiling basement. Because of my mother, I grew.

Dancing with our make-shift tambourines (aka lids to instant potatoes)

During class, my heart was filled with gratitude as I delighted in being able to move my 54 year old body and perhaps more poignant, the beautiful connections and relationships I've encountered because of dance. When I asked one of my dance teachers if I could take a picture with her in honor of my mom's birthday, she said: "I'm happy it's her birthday because of her, we have you." Holy Cow! Aren't those THE most kind words EVER?! My dance teachers, students and peers have delivered immeasurable joy. Because of my mother, I love and feel loved.

Susan McClain Smith, University of Utah, 1990

University of Utah MFA friends

The most considerable blessing along side my mother teaching me to dance, grow and love is her example of faith in a perfect loving Heavenly Father and in His divine son, Jesus Christ. My mother's faith- now my own, has brought peace to my soul in times of turbulence and grief. In the Book of Mormon, in the book of Alma, we learn of Helaman. In approximately 65 A.D., Helaman lead an army of physically strong and courageous young men. These warriors were steadfast even in times of battle and great distress. The source of strength in these young men is explained: "Yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. Because of my mother, I doubt not, but believe.

Max, mom, me and my sister, Hailee

Happy Birthday, Practically Perfect Miss Penny. 

Miss Penny and her Ginny Gown dancers

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